As a business owner, having good knowledge about the monthly operating cost of your business is highly crucial. It can help you manage the budget and the cash flow simultaneously. The operating costs are expenses that take place regularly, such as payroll, utilities, rent, and minimum wage increase 2022. You can also include the insurance premiums, which you can pay once every year or quarterly.

These are the costs that are not just used for producing all the products or services. They are expenses for operating your business. They make sure to do so by not damaging their business by lessening productivity, customer service, or employee or marketing morale. Now let’s see How to Calculate Costs of Running a Business?


How to Calculate Costs of Running a Business?

1. Identify the Operational Cost

You should review the previous months’ expenses and look for transactions and patterns that take place each month. This can help you make an operating cost list.

You can also opt for monthly reports from the computerized accounting system. Otherwise, collecting all the receipts and then classifying them will help you understand your business’s monthly cost.

But if you do not possess any accounting data or receipts, you take all the information on the cost from the bank statements. These bank statements carry information about all the checks cleared by your bank.

If you do not get the checks and the bank statement copies, you can review them online. Here, your job is to find and collect all the pertinent operation expenses of your business.

2. Add Up the Expenses by Month and Type

When you do not have a computerized system, you have to add up all the receipts every month and classify them by their type. You will come across receipts on several types of expenses, which are:

  • Utilities.
  • Phones.
  • Marketing.
  • Insurance.

When utilizing accounting software, you can easily trial balances or various other reports that can help identify all the operational costs by every month. You can add up all the cost of 6 months and the total amount should stay the same until something unusual takes place, such as adding new employees.

If you encounter a massive one-time cost, you should take some time out to verify why the cost occurred. This is an essential part of your regular operations. This one-time expense might be a capital expense, such as purchasing an expensive machine or equipment.

But for all those operating expenses, which occur quarterly or once every year, you can adjust it under the monthly expenses as an additional cost. Otherwise, you can divide the amount by 12 and add a bit to every month to account for these expenses.

3. Classify the Operating Expenses

Insert all the numbers right into the income statement before the “Gross Profit” heading. Depending on the income statement format, you can classify the operating expenses as general, administrative, or selling. Under these headings, you can add the expenses.

For instance, the commission expenses will be placed under the selling expenses. You utilized it online for every expense type. When the gross profit gets subtracted by the operating costs, you will get the income from the operations.

Investors and business owners take the help of operating costs mentioned under the income statement for analysis, such as the operating ratio. They use it to verify how exactly a business can manage its operating expenses. After that, the ratio gets calculated by dividing the operating cost by net sales. When the ratio is lower, the business will run smoothly.

How Exactly Does the Operational Cost Affect the Profit?

Operating costs that are increasing or high can lessen a business’s net profit. A company’s management team will look for numerous ways to lessen or stabilize the operating expenses. They will also balance the requirements to manufacture all the goods that help meet the consumer’s demands.

When the operating cost increases greatly, the management has to increase the price of their services or products to maintain profitability. This might make them risk losing their consumers to their competitors who produce the same kind of products but at a much lower price.

What are the Various Types of Operating Costs?

Operation expenses do not include the capital outlays. But they do include numerous elements of the operating expenses, which are:

  • Entertainment Costs.
  • Legal and Accounting Fees.
  • Wage and Salary Expenses.
  • Marketing and Sales Costs.
  • Office Supply Costs.
  • Travel Expenses.
  • Development and Non-Capitalized Research Expenses.
  • Utility Expenses.
  • Maintenance and Repair Costs.
  • Rent.

Apart from these, the operating cost also includes the cost of all the goods sold. These expenses are tied directly to the production of services and goods. Some of these costs are:

  • Taxes and Utility Costs of the Production Facilities.
  • Direct Labor.
  • Rent of the Production Facility or Plant.
  • Direct Material Costs.
  • Wages and Benefits of all the Production Workers.
  • Repair Costs of Equipment.

Operating vs. Start-up Costs: What’s the Difference?

Operating costs are viewed as the expenses which a particular business incurs in its daily operations. Start-up costs are the expenses that a start-up business must pay for starting a new business. Right before a business opens ups for the very first time or starts the products of new items, it has to spend money to begin its journey.

For instance, a business might have to spend some funds on a lease on office space, employee wages, development and research, and equipment purchases. The start-ups often pay these types of costs through funds borrowed from a private investor. This contracts with the operating costs, which get paid from the revenue generated through the sales.


Knowing How to Calculate Costs of Running a Business is really important in today’s time. Calculating the operating cost of running a business is highly essential for all business owners. Doing so will not help you manage the cash flow but also the budget. These costs or expenses can be easily analyzed by taking a look at the income statement. Some of the most common types of operating expenses are rent, marketing, inventory costs, payroll, equipment, and funds allocated from development and research.

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